Association-ACL Policy

This chapter summarizes the association Access Control List (ACL) policy commands in the CLI command structure. An association ACL is a policy-based ACL that either prevents or allows wireless clients from connecting to a controller managed WLAN.

System administrators can use an association ACL to grant or restrict wireless clients access to the WLAN by specifying client MAC addresses or range of MAC addresses to either include or exclude from controller connectivity. Association ACLs are applied to WLANs as an additional access control mechanism.

Use the (config) instance to configure the association ACL policy. To navigate to the association-acl-policy instance, use the following commands:

<DEVICE>(config)#association-acl-policy <POLICY-NAME>
nx9500-6C8809(config)#association-acl-policy test
Association ACL Mode commands:
  deny     Specify MAC addresses to be denied
  no       Negate a command or set its defaults
  permit   Specify MAC addresses to be permitted

  clrscr   Clears the display screen
  commit   Commit all changes made in this session
  do       Run commands from Exec mode
  end      End current mode and change to EXEC mode
  exit     End current mode and down to previous mode
  help     Description of the interactive help system
  revert   Revert changes
  service  Service Commands
  show     Show running system information
  write    Write running configuration to memory or terminal



If creating an new association ACL policy, provide a name specific to its function. Avoid naming it after a WLAN it may support. The name cannot exceed 32 characters.

Before defining an association ACL policy and applying it to a WLAN, refer to the following deployment guidelines to ensure the configuration is optimally effective: